Time to revisit this post...

I got a call from Guy Barone at Xenetech this afternoon. I think this call was one of the hardest that a business owner/manager ever has to make.

He called to apologize for the trouble I had with my unlock codes, and for the way I was treated when I called.

As one would expect someone in position to be, he was very professional and sincere. In my book, it takes a lot of "guts" to call a customer that you KNOW is unhappy with you, and to start making things right. But that's exactly what he did.

So much for bearing a grudge. Mr. Barone just took away any reason I had to post anything else negative about his company.

I've never met Guy, but from the few minutes that we visited, I truly believe that he's a stand-up kind of man...and I appreciate that.

Thanks for listening.



Words of wisdom for the day: "We must forgive, but we dare not forget."