Just to put an end to this thread - perhaps - I wanted to add a P.S. to all the postings and let you know I received a letter today from Gregory Della Badia at Tropar. He is aware of this discussion, so I'm guessing someone has mentioned it to him from here. Which is fine with me and I'm glad he contacted me.

In his letter, besides my refund check, is an explanation of how their accounting system works (Tropar salespeople in TX didn't seem to know their own system from what they told me would happen in getting my refund to me), and an assurance that Tropar does not sell to the general public and they do their best to only sell to authorized dealers.

Mr. Della Badia assures me, and I would think all of us, that the management of Tropar truly does care about us as retailers and values our business.

I would encourage anyone who has posted here with a problem with Tropar to contact Gregory directly to find out what solution can be found. I, for one, am very glad he contacted me to clarify the situation that has been causing me problems. I think they will be looking very closely into the Texas warehouse, and would not be surprised to see some changes happening there. Time will tell and it will be interesting the next time I place an order to see if there is a problem or if things are back to normal.

Whoever passed the information in this thread to Tropar management - thank you! I've been a bit overwhelmed this summer with some personal stuff and I've been really shorthanded here at work. It was on my list to do to contact the management to get some direct answers. This really saved me a bunch of time and energy.

Cindy M