I simply decide what artwork I want from Corel or Corel on-line clip art and click on the box to select it. Then I download the choices. Once my choices are downloaded, they go into my clip art manager file.

I open Corel, and then go back to the clip art manager files and put the mouse cursor over the art I want. Holding down the left side of my mouse, I then slide the art over to my corel page. Or you can right click on the artwork, copy, and then paste the art into Corel.

Once the art is on the Corel page, I go up and ungroup it if that is possible (some will and some won't) and then take out whatever I don't want, make any changes and then regroup it. I then go to Edit, select copy and then go to my Xenetech screen and go to Edit and select paste. I choose a name for the clip art and then OK and there's my art on the Xenetech screen, ready to engrave.

Sometimes nothing is shown the first time after you name the artwork in Xenetech, but if you click on the D for cleanup, the art will show.

Hope this works for you -