
In another thread, you said:

With the laser toner transfer, I see some possibilities with some very thick items. (4-6 inches)

Would the DC16 be more flexible? It has several attachments you can add later like mugs, inside plates, caps, etc. The list price is actually less than the DK20.

We have a small 9x12 hobby which does do a good job on a lot of things but I see the need to upgrade in size down the road. The way things happen around here it could be next year or next week depending on what comes up.


The Digital Combo (DC) is definitely a versatile press and would be a good step up, from your entry-level 9x12 press.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1) The mug attachment can only press one side of a mug, per pressing.

I don't know about others, but the overwhelming majority of mugs I make, require printing to both sides.

2) If you get really busy, in all areas of the DC's capabilities, because it is a single press, you'll reach a point when your jobs "bottleneck."

Tile jobs will be waiting for hat, mug, name badge jobs etc., to be completed.

3) The DC was one of the presses with wiring harness issues, which I think have been solved.

A friend of mine has an older DC. I asked if he had problems with the wiring, to which he said, "Yeah, but no big deal; I just replaced the wiring myself."

Probably not much of an issue anymore, but something definitely worth asking about, if you decide to buy a DC.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA