As more customers express their dissatisfaction with a vendor and take their business elsewhere, there are only two things they can do: improve or shut down.


I agree with what you say. I also think that not enough people voice their dissatisfaction. That leads companies to (falsely) believe that no news is good news.

As Larry points out; with so many items coming from overseas, some situations are beyond a supplier's control. That's understandable.

What's not understandable, are the companies who don't deal with customer service issues, that are under their control.

Do I ever sleep? Absolutely! Of course, like many people, I find the forum utterly fascinating and check in regularly.

Maybe it's our three-hour time time difference, that makes you think otherwise. :-) 

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA