Industry suppliers are encouraged to participate in the technical/educational discussions.

In doing so, we ask that their affiliation with a company/product be disclosed in the signature line of their posts.

For your benefit, it's encouraged that you include your name, and/or, company name and a brief description of your business.

Example: XYZ Supplies, gives the reader no hint of your products. Telling our members what you do can only be beneficial to you.

Within the technical/educational threads, light promotion of a company or product/service will be allowed, only if the mention is pertinent to the topic and primarily educational in nature.

Posts purely for promotion can be placed in either the "Advertising/Buy/Sell/" folder, or in response to a member's search in the "Where Can I Find" folder.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA