Folder Comp. Mechanical Engraving/CNCXenetech Engraver

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 From:  James (TILER02)
 To:  ALL

I bought an older Xenetech Engraver 16x24. I think I have everything hooked up correctly except the compressor, Does this need air to make the z axis work? If so how much?
I saw the machine working and I can get everything else to work, Just not the z

EDITED: 27 Sep 2006 by DGL


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.2 In reply to 4950.1 


Are there fittings for air lines anywhere on the table, or is there a stepper motor near the spindle?

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 27 Sep 2006 by DGL


 From:  logojohn
 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.3 In reply to 4950.1 
The z axis is motor driven and no air compressor is needed.

Did it come with it? If so it may actually be a vaccuum for plastic chip removal.

The possible exception if it was another brand of table retrofitted
to run xenetech software. Or if it very very old they might have used air at one time.

The z axis motor is a blue cylinder above the cutter.

You can test the z axis.
Open Xenetech software, Hit F10 and the start tab.

Use the up down toggle switch on the pendant which should move the cutter up and down in the z direction.

Hit the home\retain and cancel switch when done or the software will lock up.


 From:  James (TILER02)
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
4950.4 In reply to 4950.2 
It has an air fitting on it. I tried hooking a compressor from my laser but that did not work.

 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.5 In reply to 4950.4 


There will normally be a valve(s), controlling how much air goes to the spindle cylinder. Could be that the valve is closed.

I'm not sure how much PSI is required to operate a pneumantic spindle. Could be that your compressor isn't generating enough. Remote possibility, I would think.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 27 Sep 2006 by DGL


 From:  James (TILER02)
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
4950.6 In reply to 4950.5 
Here is a photo of the head.

 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.7 In reply to 4950.6 


Looks like a Dahlgren table. There should be fittings and a valve at the right-hand, back of the table.

I think there are two:

1) To control the amount of pressure.

2) To control the speed at which it drops.

It's been a while and I'm working from memory.

I'll be around one of those machines, later today, but that won't do you any immediate good. :S 

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 27 Sep 2006 by DGL


 From:  logojohn
 To:  ALL
4950.8 In reply to 4950.7 

That does look a lot like our old Dahlgren carriage but I don't think they made that big of a table. We retrofit one of them to a large table
that Western Engraving made. Or it might even be a full table that I think Western made for awhile.
We set the air pressure to 40-45 lbs on a much larger compressor than the tiny one we have for laser air assist. I doubt the little one we use for laser air assist would be strong enough. We pumped it from a central closet to 4 machines in different parts of the building since the big one made so much noise.

That little black knob at the top adjusts the pressure further or maybe just the travel . . .its been a while. There is an allen screw in the knob that has to be loosened first before it will turn.

The main adjusting knob on ours was silver and was by the back where the air line first connects. It releases air through that brass tube at the bottom at every cutter up so it will have to come on often to keep the pressure up.

EDITED: 27 Sep 2006 by LOGOJOHN


 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.9 In reply to 4950.6 

You will need at least 12-15 lbs of air pressure to make the spindle move up/down. need a ccompressor with a regulator that goes up to 30-40 lbs.

You should hear a solinoid turning on and off while the job is running though..

In the Great Northwest!


 From:  Gary (GNELSON)
 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.10 In reply to 4950.1 

James, I have that set up. # 006 and #199
If you want to call me in the AM I can walk you through it.
AtoZ Engraving


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.11 In reply to 4950.1 

Is the software for the system Xenetech?

The table is clearly Dahlgren, or as L J says, a Western table.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 From:  James (TILER02)
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
4950.12 In reply to 4950.11 
Yes the software is xenatech, I was able to contact the gentleman who had the machine, he is supposed to come over in a little while and show me what I need to know.

 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  James (TILER02) 
4950.13 In reply to 4950.12 

Sounds like Gary will be able to get you up and running.

I didn't know Xenetech had software for pneumatic equipment, which was the reason I asked.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


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