Folder Comp. Mechanical Engraving/CNCHow to hatch fill true type font in xenetech software??

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 From:  joyce (JLADY)
 To:  ALL

Using xenetech software.....

In the attached file, I am using a true type font...copperplate light. On the second line it is not hatch filling all areas. Do I need to change the hatch settings or choose a different font.

I am attaching the file.

EDITED: 24 Jan 2007 by JLADY


 From:  logojohn
 To:  joyce (JLADY) 
5140.2 In reply to 5140.1 

Try these.
The cutter overlap seems to be the main problem.
I have better luck setting the cutter size on
the left property bar to 0 when hatch filling.
You can then see the hatch pattern better even though
the monitor won't show the thickend veiw corresponding
to the cutter width.

Some fonts create havoc with the hatch fill.
One I have a lot of problems with is Cheries Black.

A workaround if you don't have a lot of text chages is to turn
off the hatch fill,
explode it,( xenetech's terminology for converting to curves in the
Xenetech menu under color-explode poly vectors)
select all, re combine it(color-combine poly vectors) and then hatch fill.
If you get unexpected results, you may need to combine the
letters with donuts like o, a etc. individually
The hatch fill settings are a lot more predictable that way.
The cutter overlap doesn't show up then and
you get "space between hatch lines instead"
The settings are much more logically responsive with that.
Even if you are doing plastic you can see the hatch pattern better
if you swithch to wire frame view instead of normal.
(menu Line/Group-check thin line and wireframe mode.

If you are working on expensive or customer owned items it would behoove you to export it as an xlg logo and open that in your job.

With the hatch fill a line will sometimes run across the center of an open letter like an o or c. It will not be visible on the screen but will engrave and ruin the product. If you export it as a logo and open the logo, any of those unwanted stray lines will show up on the screen.

blood2 is still as a font with the settings tweaked enough where
you should be able to adjust it a little to fit your cutter needs.

blood3 has been converted to curves so you can see how the
settings are a lot more responsive and have less missing areas.


EDITED: 18 Oct 2006 by LOGOJOHN


 From:  joyce (JLADY)
 To:  logojohn 
5140.3 In reply to 5140.2 
Thanks john for the info. I went with exploding and hatch filling. Worked great.

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