
Basically what it does is only show the last four digits of the card number on the receipt ie. **** **** **** 1234

If anyone is still printing the complete credit card number on the customer's copy of the receipt, then they are breaking Federal laws governing that issue. Hope everyone has updated their software by now.

I had the Tranz 360 and it is somewhat newer than the 330, those are "old" technology machines and cannot handle the new security features. They will be phased out eventually. The newer machines need more memory, at least 512K to capture additional info from the card - such as zip code, and the cvs number on the back of the card. One way the processors are phasing out the older machines is to increase the processing charges on those particular machines, like my processor (NOVA) is starting to do now.

Just something to be aware of and look around for newer machines for the future. I think it is better to buy the machine at a good price than to keep leasing them - In less than 10 months, I will have broke even by buying my new machine on e-bay versus leasing.
