Folder Corel DrawHelp please-Cutout Patterns

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 From:  Carl (CSEWELL)
 To:  Griffo (LASERWEST) 
6498.4 In reply to 6498.3 


There are a LOT of extraneous nodes in those lines . In several places, I didn't look everywhere, the curves backtrack on top of themselves (see image for one example). You need to use the shape tool and zoom in close to delete the extraneous ones.

The attached (CDR file) is 4 curves: border and 3 interior curves. I don't know how the Epilog treats curve sequencing for engraving, but it should vector the inside first and then the outside curve. If not, trying rearranging the order in the Object Manager.


  Guntersville Laser Engraving
  Guntersville, AL

EDITED: 1 Apr 2007 by CSEWELL

 From:  Griffo (LASERWEST)
 To:  Carl (CSEWELL) 
6498.5 In reply to 6498.4 

Hi Carl,
Thanks for your help and your time in resolving my problem.
There's only supposed to one line (no inner and outer), so I'm going to take the easy option and have individual lines overlapping each other. I'll order them in object manager to optimise the path of the laser.

Once again, thanks for your help as I've a better understanding of the process now



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